How to see through clothing
By admin on Feb 11, 2010 in Uncategorized
Check this out… i found this on twitter @OMGFacts… too sick… just imagine owning a camrecorder that can have the feature to look through peoples clothes… hmm… this would be with me at all gigs! lol
Anyway check this write up then check the youtube video…
In 1998, Sony accidently sold 700,000 camcorders that had the technology to see through people’s clothes.
More info: The cameras had special lenses that use infrared light (IR) to see through some types of clothing. It primarily works on dark colored, thin clothing – like swimsuits. The main factor is how well the fabric absorbs IR light waves. It’s not for regular digicams, but rather for camcorders with a IR night vision mode, and the resolution is low.