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WTH: 6-Year-Old Girl From Ohio Gets Put On A Terror Watch & “No-Fly” List

“Alyssa Thomas, 6, is a little girl who is already under the spotlight of the federal government. Her family recently discovered that Alyssa is on the “no fly” list maintained by U.S. Homeland Security. “We were, like, puzzled,” said Dr. Santhosh Thomas. “I’m like, well, she’s kinda six-years-old and this is not something that should be typical.” Dr. Thomas and his wife were made aware of the listing during a recent trip from Cleveland to Minneapolis. The ticket agent at the Continental counter at Hopkins Airport notified the family. “They said, well, she’s on the list. We’re like, okay, what’s the story? What do we have to do to get off the list? This isn’t exactly the list we want to be on,” said Dr. Thomas. The Federal Bureau of Investigations in Cleveland will confirm that a list exists, but for national security reasons, no one will discuss who is on the list or why. The Thomas family was allowed to make their trip but they were told to contact Homeland Security to clear-up the matter. Alyssa just received a letter from the government, notifying the six-year-old that nothing will be changed and they won’t confirm nor deny any information they have about her or someone else with the same name. “She’s been flying since she was two-months old, so that has not been an issue,” said Alyssa’s dad. “In fact, we had traveled to Mexico in February and there were no issues at that time.”” – 8 News

Raavan – Movie World Premiere – EXCLUSIVE!

WORLD EXCLUSIVE!: hits the Red Carpet for the World Premiere of Raavan – The Movie! Starting with a Big bang at the ceremony were our very own PDS Dholis entertaining the fans & stars as they arrive…

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Summertime Ball mash-up from DJ Earworm

DJ Earworm , known as Jordan Roseman to his mum, is a San Francisco based DJ who has risen to fame on the back of his incredible mixes of pop music. We, along with millions of you, saw his work on Youtube and thought here’s someone who loves pop music as much as us, let’s get him to do a mash-up for the Summertime Ball… and here it is… check out many clips he’s dropped in to his incredible re-invention of Justin Bieber’s ‘Baby’…

Fanboy Gets Apple Tattoo On Shoulder [Video]

An Apple fanboy took his love for the company to the next level and had the Apple logo tattooed on his shoulder.

Any witty comments?

Microsoft Revamps Windows Live Hotmail [Video]

Microsoft has redesigned and revamped Windows Live Hotmail to offer a slew of new features.

You can find just a few of the new features listed below…


Home Page:
● Convenient and concise summary of the most important mail in your inbox.
● Stream of photos and updates from Facebook, Flickr, LinkedIn, Twitter, and over 70 other websites.
● Post comments directly to some of these sites and update your Facebook status.

● Cut through the clutter by clicking just once to see all the mail from your contacts, or all of your social network updates (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn, etc.), or mail from the group mailing lists you belong to.
● Click once to see all messages that have links to photos or photos attached, or all messages that have Office documents attached, or shipping updates, or messages you’ve flagged.

Sweep Away Clutter:
A tool that makes it easy to get rid of the junk mail cluttering up your inbox. Sweep is a virtual broom that lets you super easily “sweep” the mail you don’t want out of your inbox into either folders or oblivion, leaving your inbox clean.

Hotmail Active View:
● Hotmail automatically shows you a preview of your photo attachments and lets you view them as a slide show in a single click.
● Using Windows Live SkyDrive you can send up to 200 photos, each up to 50 MB in size, all in a single email.
● If you receive a document, you can now open it with the full power of the new Office Web Apps, right in Hotmail.

● Hotmail supports push email on the web, PC, and now also on the mobile phone. Using Exchange ActiveSync you can seamlessly synchronize Hotmail between your phone and the web, and also synchronize your calendar, contacts, and tasks.

● Enhanced account protection, full-session SSL, multiple email accounts, subfolders, contact management, and ever-growing storage.

Hit the link below to try out the new Hotmail.
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Ellen DeGeneres Show: Apple iPad

Ellen introduces the worlds first iPatch??


This guy is too funny..


Look up the word ‘NEXT HYPE’ in the dictionary and you’ll find a pic of Tempa T and ‘AMERICAN APPAREL RIOT’…

Letterman: Top 10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Waiting in Line for the iPad

Video: “Scarface” School Play [Randomly Viral]

First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the… massive pile of popcorn. Behold, “Scarface School Play,” quite possibly the most majestic piece of theater we have ever seen. Ever.

To our surprise and delight, this bizarre vid of a rather twisted school play was posted to YouTube earlier today. It’s basically the best thing in the world (which is yours!), and I refuse to say more on the subject. Just watch it. Like, seven times in a row.

Warning: This video contains spoilers.